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St Paul's C of E Nursery & Primary School

Offer of Early Help


We are a caring, nurturing school and fully understand that family life does not always run smoothly. We recognise that from time to time you may need a little extra support or help.

We are committed to the safeguarding of all our children.  The purpose of our Early Help Offer is to provide the right kind of support for families at the right time, to achieve change that lasts. We can help you to identify any problems quickly and work with you to prevent the problem reaching crisis point.

There are many ways in which we can support you so, if ever things are not right at home, do come and talk to us.  We aim to provide support that considers the needs of the whole family.

What does our Early Help Offer include?


Support might be short or long-term but will always be tailored to meet the needs of you and your family.

Areas of support might include:

  • Support and advice during difficult periods i.e., illness, bereavement, financial worries, and domestic abuse.
  • Support for parents in multi-agency meetings.
  • Assistance in completing paperwork and forms e.g., Disability Living Allowance, housing, and benefits.
  • Drop-in sessions every morning from 9am -9.30am
  • Pre-loved uniform
  • Support getting your child into school.
  • Adult Education and Family Learning courses.
  • Attendance monitoring with regular meetings. These aim to improve attendance and punctuality.
  • Signposting to other services in the local area/community.

As well as the above, we also work with Barnardo’s, Families First, Community Policing Team, Advisory Teaching Service, Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership, Educational Psychology Service, Youth Support Team, Speech and Language Therapists, Winston’s Wish and Family Group Conferencing.

All support given is confidential, however, any concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Safeguarding Policy. Click here to view a copy of the policy.



The Thrive Approach: Thrive is a therapeutic approach to help support children with their emotional and social development. This is delivered through 1:1 or small group intervention.

‘The Thrive approach is informed by established developments in neuroscientific research.

It is underpinned by a theoretical base in child development theory and attachment theory.

At its heart is the understanding that all children’s behaviour represents a form of communication – of their underlying needs. If these needs are recognised and met, children and young people will be able to flourish and learn’- THRIVE


Young Minds Matter (supported by the Trailblazer programme): This intervention connects that services of school with NHS support. It is intended to provide early intervention on some mental health and emotional wellbeing issues, such as mild to moderate anxiety. Further information about the Trailblazer programme can be found here. A copy of the parent consent letter can be found here.

Pyramid club: A targeted programme for children who are identified as being shy.

Lego Therapy: Lego therapy is a structured activity that helps children practise social communication and language skills.

Winston’s Wish: We work alongside Winston’s Wish (a local charity) to support children and families that have suffered a bereavement.

Other interventions include:

  • After-school clubs with a variety of activities offered.
  • Young Carers.
  • Educational Psychology Service referrals
  • Intervention support to meet ‘My Plan’ targets.
  • Speech Therapy


What should I do if I am worried or have a problem?

Please contact us if you have any problems affecting your child(ren). Usually raising awareness with the class teacher resolves many issues but we have a Reducing Barriers to Learning Team who can provide specific pastoral support.